Investment to Research
International research company MARC provides clients with valuable market information by applying effective research solutions
Market Adjustment Research Center (MARC)
Market Adjustment Research Center (MARC) is an international full-service research company dedicated to helping clients accelerate profitably growth.
Since 1996, MARC has delivered business-building results for clients by rigorously applying the principle that research is a powerful tool not an art.
Having wide range of interests MARC specializes on Financial, FMCG, Automotive, Telecommunication, and Electronics markets.
MARC has its offices in USA, Canada.
Advantages of MARC
Wide-range and in-depth expertise in marketing research;
Effective methodologies, widely applied in international business of various markets;
Competitive costs, achieved through the use of modern methods of data collection, data processing, and data analysis;

MARC applies multi-dimensional approach to bring together consumer demands, business practices, and a specific company's goals.

Anna Shteyngart ACHIEVES Professional Researcher Certification
Boston, MA - The Professional Researcher Certification Board for the Marketing Research Association announced that Anna Shteyngart, Vice-President MARC, North America, achieved the professional designation of Professional Researcher Certification (PRC) by successfully completing all the application, continuing education and examination requirements. Achieving the PRC designation demonstrates a desire to assert the professional standard and commit to career development in the marketing research industry. ... " continue reading »
New Brand Power Monitor is officially here
This is the tracking study covers Automotive and Financial markets. Brand Power Monitor is based on the measurement of 5 Key Indicators (please, see the picture below). This is cost and time efficient way to receive expert-level results with executive summary and recommendations about the Brand Power, leverage, and weaknesses. Different levels of subscription are available...."
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MARC - Strategic Partner in Market Research 2013 Award
Raiffeisen Bank presented MARC with "The Best Marketing Partner of 2013" Award. The award letter underlines a highly professional collaboration on the project "Brand Health and Advertising Tracking" emphasizing a deep expertise of the MARC team in the area of strategic communication. This award proved a long standing reputation of MARC in the banking sector and gives a new boost for the team to maintain its high standards of market research with all its clients.